-DAT Resources

What is the DAT?
The DAT is a dental education admission test designed to provide dental education programs with a means to assess program applicants’ potential for success. It is administered year round by Prometric test centers in the United States, its territories (including Guam, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands) and Canada.

The DAT is comprised of multiple-choice test items presented in the English language. The test is developed according to established test specifications. The DAT consists of a battery of four tests on the following: Survey of the Natural Sciences, Perceptual Ability, Reading Comprehension, and Quantitative Reasoning. In the DAT, both the U.S. customary system and the metric system (Imperial System) of units are used. 

More information can be found here.
DAT Bootcamp
Price: $347
Website: https://datbootcamp.com/
Length: 90 day Subscription
Recommendation: Highly Recommended

DAT Destroyer
Price: $149.95 (Retail) (Past editions available)
Website: https://www.orgoman.com/datdestroyer.html
Length: Forever
Recommendation: Highly Recommended

Best DAT
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